6th-7th November 2023
Gema Moreno
Salvatore Simminni
Chairs: Miguel Álvarez González / Isaac Vieco Martí
Laura Lobo Selma: Desmoplastic small round cell tumor: Unraveling gene fusion dependent transcription factors.
Llara Prieto Fernández: Targeting tumor-driven CAF invasion in head and neck tumor microenvironment: Mechanistic insights by phosphoproteomics.
Inés Romero Pérez: Therapeutic efficacy of TGFa-targeting in kidney and pancreatic cancer.
Chairs: Patricia Prada Dacasa / Carmen Ramos Nebot
Susana Torres Martínez: Galectin-3 as a microenvironment-relevant immunoregulator through regulatory T cells in lung adenocarcinoma patients
Noelia Sandoval Hellin: Fibrogen-like protein 2 (FGL2) is a multifaceted immune checkpoint with potential therapeutic application in B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas.
Ana Mantrana Soldado: Attacking metabolic vulnerabilities associated with GSNOR deficiency to boost immune therapy efficacy in colorectal cancer.
Miguel Álvarez González
Maria Otero Rosales
Inmaculada Conejos Sanchez
Ariadna Grinyó Escuer
Alejo Efeyan
Chairs: Hatim Boughanem Lakhal / Carmen Sayón Orea
Alejandro Rego Calvo: The emerging role of epitranscriptome (m6A) in dysregulation of the splicing machinery and inflammatory response in obesity-associated colorectal cancer.
María José García López: Gut microbiota is implicated in the weight loss achieved with diets that are able to increase ketone bodies.
Alba Subiri Verdugo: Changes in microbiota profile persist after a year of having completed the dietary intervention with ketogenic diet.
Chairs: Connor Welch / Hatim Boughanem Lakhal
Rocío Barragán
Raúl Durán
Pedro Robledo
Regina Peña Enríquez
Libia Alejandra García
Gema Gómez Casado
Andrea Olarte San Juan
Chairs: Carmen Ramos Nebot / Miguel Álvarez González
Andrea Estrella Arias Días: Ascites-Derived Organoids to Depict Platinum Resistance in Gynaecological Serous Carcinomas
Lucía Trilla Fuertes: Metaproteomics identified microbiota proteins related to prognosis in colon cancer paraffin samples.
Isaac Vieco Marti: Voronoi diagram proves the architectural connection between vascular structures and territorial areas of vitronectin in Neuroblastoma.
Chairs: Connor Welch / Patricia Prada Dacasa
Pablo Francisco Cano Ramírez: Utility of liquid biopsy-based epigenetic biomarkers for monitoring disease evolution and response to treatment in metastatic pancreatic cancer patients.
Camila Guerrero De Blois: Predictors of unsustained measurable residual disease (MRD) negativity in transplant-eligible multiple myeloma (MM) patients.
Miguel Bastos Boento: Generation and independent validation of a new clinic-biological prognostic index or mantle cell lymphoma.
Chairs: Carmen Ramos Nebot / Miguel Álvarez González
Carmen Martín-Hernandez: Nanoparticle drug vehiculisation for the treatment of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Sonia Lopez Landrove: Global methylation profiling of Uterine Aspirates from endometrial cancer patients identifies GABA pathway as a potential therapeutic target.
Carmen Navarrete Sirvent: Clinical significance of glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3) expression and tumour budding grade in colorectal cancer: Implications for targeted therapy.
María Jesús Ledesma
Beatriz Fernandez Blanco
Carmen Gonzalez Diaz-Cano
Igor de la Torre Loizaga
Nerea Hongfen Vidaña Bedera
José Manuel García Almeida
Chair: Carmen Sayón Orea / Isaac Vieco Martí
Irene Pérez Esteban
Marta de la Fuente Lago
Raul Duran